At Work | 2013
Summary of maintenance and special projects completed in 2013.
Summary of maintenance and special projects completed in 2013.
Two clearing projects were undertaken to re-establish the access lanes along the Chippewa Creek for future inspections and maintenance work.
The fencing that surrounds Dam V-C was in poor condition and was replaced in the fall of 2013.
Structure 13R, located 750 feet upstream from Blough Rd., which feeds into Chippewa Creek, was replaced in August, 2013.
Two structures, 53-R and 55-L were replaced to improve the drainage in that area which involved replacing the existing 87 foot long, 18-inch diameter CMP culvert.
Two large structures, 68-L and 69-L, located on the left bank of Chippewa Creek just downstream from the SR 585 bridge were replaced.
Structure 88R is an 80 foot long 48-inch CMP culvert which was rusted and collapsing - requiring complete replacement of the pipe and riprap.
Chippewa Subdistrict updated the Emergency Action Plans as well as Operation, Maintenance and Inspection Manuals for three Dams: II-A, V-C and 5-D.
Several Chippewa dams have experienced groundhogs burrowing into the dam embankments and weakening the integrity of the structures.
In July 2013. a major storm event caused damage at several of the Chippewa Flood Control dams.
Structure 88R is an 80 foot long 48-inch CMP culvert which was rusted and collapsing - requiring complete replacement of the pipe and riprap. This pipe provides an important link to the access lane along Chippewa Creek enabling the landowner and Subdistrict staff access to the channel and adjacent land.