Flood Control

The Chippewa Subdistrict was established in 1960 for the purpose of reducing flooding and periods of inundation.

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Flood Control


The Chippewa Subdistrict of the MWCD was established in 1960 to manage and maintain the Chippewa Flood Control Project for the purpose of reducing flooding and periods of inundation.

Our goal is to efficiently and effectively manage this flood control system while encouraging the wise use of our watershed and its natural resources.

The construction of the dams and modifications to Chippewa Creek and its tributaries through the Chippewa Watershed Project were funded through a federal program. Funding for the ongoing maintenance of the creek channel, flood control structures, banks and berms comes from an assessment of local land owners in the Chippewa Subdistrict.

For more information on assessments, visit our Assessments Page

What's New

Dam III-A Dam Project

Each of our earthen dams has steel-reinforced concrete components that make up the Principal Spillway. The spillway runs continuously, and manages the water that moves from above the dam to below the dam, from the normal base flow to the largest storm event. To ensure these components are in good condition, they must be inspected. Each year we inspect all the dams, and Dam III-A suffered deterioration to a component in the valve opening and closing fixtures. This component was at its end of life and we installed a substantial replacement.


We were contacted by the Wayne County Engineer’s Office to discuss the replacement of the bridge on Chippewa Creek, Reach CC03, located on Black Diamond Road. We were able to provide needed data and information for this project. The old bridge was nearing the end of life as a structure, so we collaborated with them on this project, and were able to provide some grant funding to help offset some costs of the new bridge.