AT WORK | 2016 | Dam Inspections

Dam IV-A fencing
Dam IV-A fencing

Dam IV-A

Original fencing and gates at Dam IV-A were in poor condition. All flood control dams are fenced to limit access by livestock and off road vehicles...

Dam Maintenance
Dam Maintenance

All Dams

Eight Chippewa Dams are mowed at least 3 times annually. Debris must be removed from trash racks. Brush control is needed periodically.

Dam Inspections

In 2016, MWCD staff began field investigations of the foundation drains of Chippewa dams. These drains collect any seepage that may occur and are monitored to ensure the dams are in good condition. Plans are to clean these drains and repair as needed. Planning continues to make improvements where required by ODNR - Dam Safety.


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Dam Inspections